You may ask yourself, “how do I know If I need deliverance”?  Well, here are some examples of life experiences, traumas etc.… that may render you to the need of deliverance.

  1. If you were conceived in adultery or fornication
  2. If your parents contemplated abortion with you
  3. If you were abused as a child
  4. If you have been raped or molested
  5. If your mother had a difficult pregnancy
  6. If you almost died during the first few years of life
  7. If you had imaginary playmates in childhood
  8. If you have been chronically ill all your life
  9. If you grew up in a war zone
  10. If you have been ridiculed all your life
  11. If you have a history of sexual perversion in your bloodline (adultery, rape, incest, etc.)
  12. If you have been accident-prone all your life
  13. If you have a history of poverty in your life and/or in your family
  14. If you have engaged in a lifestyle of cheating, robbing and theft
  15. If you are afraid of being alone
  16. If you are extremely uncomfortable around people
  17. If you are intensely jealous of others
  18. If you were involved with the occult
  19. If you are attracted to, or have consulted palm readers, satanic advisors, and psychics
  20. If you have been involved with abortion
  21. If you have chronic headaches or mental confusion
  22. If you have a difficult time reading the Bible or praying
  23. If you are afraid of trusting people or getting close to people
  24. If instead of going forward, you are moving backward
  25. If you have inexplicable loss of memory
  26. If you should be a winner but you are failing
  27. If your inputs and efforts fail to get success
  28. If you are being governed by a power contrary to your will
  29. If you were formerly rich but suddenly turned poor
  30. If your trials have refused to come to an end
  31. If you have unnatural movements in parts of your body
  32. If you find it difficult to get baptized in the Holy Ghost
  33. If you encounter chain problems
  34. If you are constantly duped
  35. If you have horrible experiences in your dreams
  36. If you have participated in a non-Christian religion
  37. If you have a sick tongue
  38. If you have emotional disturbances
  39. If you suffer from restlessness
  40. If you hear strange voices
  41. If you have unholy fear
  42. If you are operating under evil covenants and curses
  43. If you suffer from unexplainable family breakdowns
  44. If you are engaged in profitless hard work
  45. If you observed that you have inherited problems
  46. If you observed that you are bound by sin or Satan
  47. If you are constantly harassed by evil spirits
  48. If you have an evil trend of problems in your family
  49. If you don't know what your calling/gifts are
  50. If you know what your calling/gifts are but are not obeying the Lord
  51. If you have had a divorce

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